About Us


The National Agriculture Commission (NAC) recommended establishment of Forest Development Corporations in each State to accelerate progress and development of the forestry sector. Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Limited (GSFDC) was established in August 1976 and registered under the Companies Act 1956.

In 1979 the Minor Forest Produce (MFP) trade was nationalized in Gujarat. The Corporation was entrusted with the task of its execution. This meant translating on the ground the State Policy of protecting economic interest of STs, SCs and other weaker sections, while justifying its Corporate status. This Corporation gets no grants and budgetary support from the Government.

Vision :
To achieve overall development of the ST & other Traditional Forest Dwellers
through sustainable usage of the surrounding natural resources.

Mission :
1. To strive for the attainment of economic security of the Forest Dweller
2. To eliminate Commercial exploitation of Forest Dwellers who collect MFP as
means of livelihood.
3. To maximize and accrue financial benefits to the Principal user community in
the forests.

Do You Know ?
Corporation has completed 44 years of its existence in the service of the tribal. Besides MFP, it has since expanded into Ayurved, Plantations,Woodworking &Renovations of Governmental establisments.

From its initial authorized Share Capital of Rs.100 lakhs, the present Authorized Share Capital of the Corporation is Rs.700 lakhs divided into 7,00,000 Equity shares of  Rs.100/- each. Its paid-up Share Capital is Rs. 631.65 lakhs of which the state's contribution is 62% and the balance 38% is the Government of India's contribution.

Main Objectives of this Corporation are

-> To undertake commercially viable and ecologically sustainable forest based enterprises.

-> To eliminate exploitation from private trade of forest dwellers in general and the tribal in particular, who derive sustenance through collection of Minor & other Forest Produce (MFP).

-> To maximize benefit percolation from such trade to the tribal.




VANIL UDYOG : M-7284076511 (Shri.H.M.Vasava)
Regd. & Head Office
78 - Vanganga, Alkapuri,
Vadodara - 380 007, Gujarat, India
Email : gsfdcltd[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Web: www.gsfdcltd.co.in